Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer love

Hey to all summer lovers,

So here I am, eating watermelon, listening to Super Bass by Nicki Minaj (addicted to it for 2 weeks and still counting XD), makes me want to jump up from here, grab my beach bag and just get the hell outta here!!!

Beaches are all I can think about right now. The soft sand between your toes, the salty taste of sea water in your mouth, the sunshine on your face and you're wearing your favorite sunnies and bikini, the smell of sunblock on your skin as you feel a bit sticky but the feeling's just right, the expression on your buddies' face as we're all enjoying OUR freedom.

 And suddenly you're brought back to reality by the waking call by your brain "It's not over yet, you still have one more major test coming!!!" Now that was scary. I realized I could only imagine it. Imagining it makes it even more un-realistic.


Now I really do feel like a prisoner. All I or as I can say WE do is study, go to class, sleep and tons of exercises. What the heck is wrong with our lives? It's the fact that we're studying our asses off and we're not even enjoying our lives. But we can't say no to it, it's part of the prize we pay to have our freedom.

Can you ever imagine that you might die *touchwood* the next day and think that you have not live your life to the fullest? That there are a million things that you haven't done? That maybe, just maybe, if you had one more day, you would do all those things that you craved for?

So now I would like to advise everyone's who's crazy for some your life like tomorrow's the end.

Woah!!! What the heaven got into me? Maybe my brain is just hyper from the watermelon o.O

Hugs & Muakz

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