Monday, August 29, 2011

Girls and only girls...

Hey girlfriends,

So I want to do a quick post on last nights all girls outing @ DPC. . . one word. . . Awesomesheyt!!!

So here goes. . .

Met up with Ant @ Max Value at 6pm. She bought lots of snacks. . . woohoo!!! Then we walked to Karen's hse. . . gossiping on the way. We ordered Dominos when we reached her place. The stupid talking ads made me  wait for almost 5 mins to talk to a real person. Then the dono(short form for domino) dude said we needed to wait for 1 hr and 30 mins!!! WT*tuuuuuuuuuuut*!!! So we hang up and walked to Waterfront.

Striped themed!!! Woots to Ant and me!!! Yee-Ha!!!

Yumi was waiting like sheyt (ps shit do not wait). We were late. . . we blame Ant XD Then we couldn't decide what to eat so we went to Max Value to buy 2 frozen pizzas and a Mountain dew. . . SUPERB DINNER!!!

After paying, it was shaving time!!! Wahahaha!!! Ok. . . I'm NOT shaving my legs in public @@ We met up with Sab there. Mine was strawberry. . .pink!!! Ok. . .red-.- ANyways, we chatted for a while then it was shopping time as we went to Cats whiskers and tried on tons of clothes that looked weird on us except Karen, which looked totally IN for her. Everyone bought something except Ant. I bought a superbly nice red bag!!!! Woohoo and Yee-Ha to me!!!

Ant shaving ; D

Sab shaving others. . .

Excited to shave

Look at my constipated face cause of the shaving

My new RED bag

Back to Karen's house, popped in the fro-pizza. Waited and gossiped again (we ain't called G.G for nothing, madam) (btw who's madam??!!). Popped out the pizza after 10 mins, it was hard like a Pc system (worst description ever). But no one complained since we were hungry : D We're awesome!!! I know right!!! ( I'm such a modest douch).

Shit appeared. . . Taa-Daa!!!

Getting hard with pizza 

"Enjoying" the hardness of it

So went back at 10:30 and slept at 4. . . awe. . . some. . .mo. . . dest. . . do. . . uch : )

Hugs & Muaks

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Holy crap!!!

Hello persons,

It's been a hot week. . . and I'm getting cranky for a lot of reasons. (CAUTION : There maybe some seriously lame things that will be written here. . . so get ready to be lame-d)

First up the cranky list is NO AUSSIES came to our class on Thursday!!! WT*tuuuuuutttt* (I silent it to make sure peeps under 18 do not get influenced by the bad and the worse. . . o---kay. . . that did not make any sense) Because of my "fantastic" english teacher. . . the aussies couldn't be in our class!!! Fish fish fish frog. . .

Second would be my results!!! Shoooooooooooooooot! It's bad bad bad *baaaaaaaap* No improvement!!! Still stuck with two tut-ting As!!! And 4 tut-ting Bs!!! Annnnnd. . . not to mention the TUT-TING 1 C!!! Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! Fag my life : (

Third would be the fact that I didn't study much this week!!! Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut me. . . Whoah. . . I'm harsh!!! Anyways. . . Karen inspired me to do one thing and that is to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kiss. . . . . . . . . . . . my. . . . . . . . . . . . .  .FB goodbye TT What a sad thing to say : ( I'm doing it on the 1st of Sept. . . adios amigo fb

Fourth thing is that I couldn't think of a fourth one to blog. . . anyways. . . ahhh. . . well. . . bye?! I guess?? I'm sleepy : / It's fish-ing 3 something in the am!!! Tut right?! Haha. . . not funny-.-

Anyways, have a fun raya holiday muslims and non-muslims. . . got to get my mojo back in the game to pass my PMR!!! Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut you!!! Haha. . . not funny. Wth?! I just said that!!!

Ok. . .Imma off now. . .sorry for the harsh tuts and fish-s and frogs. . . do not let your parents read this post or else I will get sued by them and go to the same jail with Gaga. . .WT*tuuuuuuuuuuuut* Ok. . . crapping here!!! HELP!!!

*Pssssss* I told you it was going to be lame. Told ya so!!!

Hugs & Muakz

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Random much??

Hey hipee-dudies,

So wassup? Wassup! Wassup! I'm not repeating that joke again. It's just lame to repeat it again.






Wat's down!!! Ok...that was lame : /

Well....I don't exactly have anything to do or say...*ack* WRONG!!!
I have to study, do revision, workout, finish my book, improve my writing, shave my armpits and legs (I just realized that was an inappropriate thing to say in public) and finally sleep my tiredness off cause of the thinking to make up the list above. 

Anyways, been really addicted to the book Lovely Bones. I read it the car, in the class, in my room, in the toilet while.....brushing my teeth!!! guys don't actually think I read while I shit do you? Cause I do...but since the book is borrowed so better not get it stinky with poop. : [


I have nothing else to say : [ 
Been thinking for 30 mins now and still nothing....since there's nothing...well then...HI : )

Peace out, non-suckers!!! (I'm one of them..teehee)

Hugs & Muakz

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer love

Hey to all summer lovers,

So here I am, eating watermelon, listening to Super Bass by Nicki Minaj (addicted to it for 2 weeks and still counting XD), makes me want to jump up from here, grab my beach bag and just get the hell outta here!!!

Beaches are all I can think about right now. The soft sand between your toes, the salty taste of sea water in your mouth, the sunshine on your face and you're wearing your favorite sunnies and bikini, the smell of sunblock on your skin as you feel a bit sticky but the feeling's just right, the expression on your buddies' face as we're all enjoying OUR freedom.

 And suddenly you're brought back to reality by the waking call by your brain "It's not over yet, you still have one more major test coming!!!" Now that was scary. I realized I could only imagine it. Imagining it makes it even more un-realistic.


Now I really do feel like a prisoner. All I or as I can say WE do is study, go to class, sleep and tons of exercises. What the heck is wrong with our lives? It's the fact that we're studying our asses off and we're not even enjoying our lives. But we can't say no to it, it's part of the prize we pay to have our freedom.

Can you ever imagine that you might die *touchwood* the next day and think that you have not live your life to the fullest? That there are a million things that you haven't done? That maybe, just maybe, if you had one more day, you would do all those things that you craved for?

So now I would like to advise everyone's who's crazy for some your life like tomorrow's the end.

Woah!!! What the heaven got into me? Maybe my brain is just hyper from the watermelon o.O

Hugs & Muakz

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Suckish feeling...

Hey exam-haters,

So wassup?! Wassup!! Wassup!! Wat's down....(ok I stole this line from a friend)

Every thing lately is down....eye bags appearing more and more darker in color, pimples bursting out from under my skin with rage, pupils getting smaller (not that I know of) and I maybe growing a beard!!! Ok so the last one is not really true but you never know.

So what is the cause to all the symptoms above???? EXAM!!!! Shitty ol'shitty exam is the biggest soul sucker!!!! You Suck!!!

Haven't had over 4 hours of sleep since Sunday since I slept at 3am and woke up 3 and a half hours later...shit!!!! Then the next following days were the same except I hav half an hour more to snooze. Cool.....NOT!!! Been so tired lately....I think my brain might suddenly break down and just stop.....there goes my life *sob* Ok....crapping now....see?! Another symptom from not enough sleep.

So I'm not gonna start a topic about how I'm gonna fail badly again this time.....since well....I just started'm just gonna leave this topic like this and not tell you guys that all those studying did not paid off and I will also not tell you guys that I will work even harder by trying not to sleep for 1 week when PMR comes....Hooray!!! I just did not finish this topic.

Anyways, I'm thinking of starting a fashion blog....
I know I know...I'm already writing another non-me blog---->HERE!!! Why on earth would I start another blog?! particular reasons maybe cause I'm addicted to fashion and fashion bloggers and their amazing sense of style. I know I could not compete to them but I would like to try. I think I might start it after I get 8 or 7 As in my pmr and a dslr as a gift....yeah....I dun think I'm ever gonna open this blog. Oh well...only time knows best.

Another thing, I've been thinking about my future....again...and I haven't made up my mind what I wanna be when I graduate or sumthing. I mean....the choices are damn big!!! Like a universe of choices!!!! *whoosh* There goes the crap again-.- I thought it's either.....performing (actually I dun think there's this course)...or something that can get me into a spot in the editorial seat in a famous fahion mag....WHAT?! I dare to dream big!!!

So that's all for now....will write more when crap gets in my brain...*phhsft*

PS I'm normal...really!!

Hugs & Muakz