Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dear Diary

Hey pups,

today I'm gonna talk about my DIARY!!!!
I think most of you don't even know I have a diary.
Cause I don't really show it to my friends like *ahem* D.D does in school.(No offence)

What's my diary like?
Well, it's hard covered, 
pichaz full of bears,
 has a lipstick stain on the front page,
 most importantly filled with secrets no one would ever know.
I started writing my diary when I was maybe 8 or 9 years old.
All i would write about is what I did everyday.
It was technically to read about my life.

But everything changed after I graduated.
I was more into what I was feeling about things that happened around me.
I was more emotional.
But I hid my feelings well.

But sometimes I just think that writing it out ain't helping.
So I just stopped writing.
And then I started writing again soon.
There was just too much not to be said.

Now I'm not writing anymore,
Maybe I'm just too lazy,
or am I just avoiding admitting that what I feel are real by writing them.