Hey girls who are looking for another cute guy on the block,
As you all can see,
the title says it all......it's ALEX PETTYFER!!! *drools*
Who's he?
Well let me keep it short....he's HAWT!!! *drools*
He has abs...to be exact....6 PACK!!!!!!! *drools*
He is a great actor who starred in Beastly n I am No. 4.
He looks gud even though he was supposed to be ugly in Beastly.
He's just 6 years older than me which is in my limit.
And did I mention he's HAWT!!! *drools*
*noticed my shirt is all wet from my saliva* *think it's kinda gross*
So you girls better watch out for this guy cause he's gonna cause some major mess with his charm.
And for me....well....I'll jz continue kissing....I meant looking at his poster...