Monday, March 28, 2011

Treasure Hunting mentally broke my leg

Hey people who are reading my blog because of boredom,

As some of you guys know, I was treasure hunting around KL last saturday. My partner was Khai Yean. She the one with the brains and I'm the one with the strength. Diane deer was oso there with her partner, Fred.

We gathered at MCKL which was near the monorail station so we took the monorail from KL Central. Fred was waiting for us at the monorail station. Diane and Fred registered first cuz Khai Yean wasn't there yet. I was starting to get nervous about her bring late. But she managed to be there b4 8 am. We registered and got out goodie bag which consists of a blottle of ribena, a T-shirt, some sweets and a note pad.

After changing, we went to the basketball court to have our briefing. It wasn't as long as we expected it to be. Then there were so called "cheerleaders" dancing and some dudes dresses nerdy-ly singing the school song. WEIRD~ So we started the race at 8:30 am.

Say "YEAH" 
Khai Yean!!!
Not raining...
Literally a sea of people

Look at the difference between shaking and non-shaking hands
So called "cheerleaders"


The race was over. Woots!!! Our legs were in some serious damage. We were damn tired and hungry. So we went to acclaim our free lunch. It didn't look good at all but who cares when you can even eat a cow. Gawd....fried rice and chicken didn't taste this good before.
Lunch Time
Yummy lunch

After our lunch, it was lucky draw and prize giving ceremony. As we expected, we didn't get lucky nor did we get any prizes.
What a huge face
Still a huge sea fo peeps

So it ended at bout 2:15 pm. Ooops.....we were already running late for our movie with Ying Ching, Chia Yee, Yu Yeong and Koon Ming. We were rushing to get to Pavilion. Luckily we were just missed a few parts. Oh, btw we were watching Sucker Punch and technically it sucks. But I did cry.....i get emotional when  I'm tired.

Times Square was next. We walked under to the hot sun to get there. The 2 guys were so scared of the sun, like their vampired or something. We got wat we wanted there and safe to say I got home safely.

Hairy legs

Camwhore time!!

Love the little foot prints on the shirt!!

My day ended with my broken legs hurting like hell.

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